1) 2 multi teleport system at landing point is provide send tenant (customer)to his room.
left (Block A) and right (Block B).touch the teleport select the number of room.
than right click teleport system again ,select the number room you choose and teleport.
see the image below.

just touch the railing to teleport down to Lobby.

2. This is another single target teleport system.just touch it to teleport .
some time this type of teleport not work at some of sim,click the rez-box delete,than rez again,
untill it work.

3.this is use a teleport script to put in to the room number button,
before to put in change the X,Y,Z target number,save and drop the script into
the content. so u can save up 30 prims from single teleport.
see the image below.

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